Some public service workers have asked us if they should wear their uniforms on the march.

We are not planning a dress code.  But clearly this is an excellent way for those who wear uniforms as part of their job to remind people of the importance of what they do, and will provide great images for the media.

So if you want to wear your uniform, please feel free to do so. And if you don’t, that’s fine too.

5 Responses to “WEAR YOUR UNIFORMS!”

  1. Mitch says:

    Well working as a uniformed Police Staff Forensics officer I think my uniform might get me noticed for the wrong reasons ! I would suggest all police staff leave the uniform AT HOME. Your job would be at risk when the powers that be see it on the TV.
    I’m getting campaign T-shirts made up instead

  2. Stephen says:


  3. Stephen says:

    I would check with you employer first, mine has a uniform policy which attest they can not worn outside of work.


  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Abby Barker, William Martin, Paul Rooke, Voices 4 the Library, March 26 March and others. March 26 March said: WEAR YOUR UNIFORMS! http://bit.ly/h8sJve #26March [...]