We want to make it easy for as many people as possible to get involved with the March for the Alternative, to show just how widely people are concerned about the government’s programme of fast, deep spending cuts. We’re trying to make the day’s events accessible to disabled people, with a short march point and a static protest, but we appreciate there will be lots of people around the country who aren’t able to make it along at all.
We’re backing an initiative of Disabled People Against Cuts and Beyond Clicktivism to produce an online map in solidarity for disabled people who cannot make it to the 26thMarch rally.
Here’s a video of Lorraine, a London commuting secretary, and latest recipient of the Order of the Alternative. She has been going above and beyond the call of activism by recruiting the whole double decker to work to come on the March for the Alternative. Can anyone top this?
This rather cheeky entry to the TUC’s video contest takes the idea that all cuts can have very real consequences, even if you claim they’re only small. The contest has closed now, and you can watch and have your say on the videos submitted, before the judges get their hands on them. There are some great ideas, and we’ll feature a few more of them here – as well as showing winning entries on the big screen at the rally on the 26th.
Singer/songwriter John D Lewis sent in a link to his latest video, which he’s using to raise awareness for the march. Thanks John – We’ll be humming this for a while! You can find this song and more of John’s music on his site.
Check out this entry to the TUC’s competition to make short videos about the cuts. Entries are starting to come in now, aiming to impress the judges and be shown on the big screen at the rally on March 26th.
Got an idea for a film? You can find out how to enter the contest yourself (and see the other entries) at www.tuc60seconds.org.uk
The March for the Alternative saw up to half a million gather in London on Sat 26 March to protest the government's plans for fast, deep public spending cuts.
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